Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Excalibur and Lancelot

The Lady of the Lake is widely known to have given Arthur Excalibur. Arthur needed a new sword after it was broken during battle and was given the magical sword Excalibur. Later Excalibur gets taken by Morgan Le Fay, who gave the sword to Accolon to use against her half brother Arthur, but was thwarfted by Viviane: who saved Arthur’s life. The sword is then retrieved. Viviane saves Arthur a second time, when once again Morgan tries to kill him with a destructive clock she sent him. Excalibur has aided King Arthur many times and has been through quite a few hands, but at the end it is returned to it’s original owner. Arthur gets wounded at the battle of Camlann and tells one of his attendents to throw Excalibur back into the lake. It is said a hand came out and grabbed it, returning to the Lady of the Lake. Some say that the Lady of the Lake is one of the three Queens who take Arthur to Avalon.
Not many people know this but Viviane is said to have taken Lancelot, after his parents died, and became his foster mother. She raised him to become the greatest knight. Others say she kidnapped him to make him strong so he could become a guard for her weak son Mabuz. Lancelot became a great knight and fell in love with the Queen, Gueniviere; which Viviane is said to have known about.

“The Lady of the Lake”. Britannia. 2001. 24 Nov. 2010. < > .

“The lady of the Lake”. Rowan Sterling. 2003. 24 Nov. 2010. < >.

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