Monday, November 1, 2010


I have never been familiar with or even heard of the Lade of the Lake. Like most people I just know the main characters of the Arthurian legends: Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, and Guinevere. One day I picked up a book called Avalon High by Meg Cabot, which is a modern twist of the legend. In the novel, the main characters, Will and Ellie, who are reincarnations of Arthur and the Lady of the Lake( though in the beginning of the book, she does get mistaken for being The Lady of Shalott), end up falling in love with one another. I did not recall Arthur having another lover, so it got me more hooked on this version of the story. While reading the story, I came upon the Lady of the Lake. I was curious about who she was this was my first time hearing about her. I learned that Arthur got Excalibur, his sword, from the Lady of the Lake. After reading the novel I was fascinated about whom this character was, but I never looked up the character. I guess I forgot or too lazy to search. Writing this blog gives me the opportunity to finally learn more about the mysterious character of The Lady of the Lake.

Cabot, Meg. Avalon High. New York: HarperCollins. 2006. Print.

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